Acts 9:1-20 / John 6:52-59
It is said that all things work for the good of those who love God and do His will.
But it cannot be denied that we have our own ideas of what loving God entails and what His will is all about.
In the 1st reading, we heard that Saul was breathing threats to slaughter the Lord's disciples and he even went all out, even to Damascus to arrest them.
Saul thought he was loving God in that way and doing His will, until Jesus had to stop him on his tracks on the way to Damascus and even blinded him to get the message across.
But it was not just Saul who had his own ideas about God. Ananias too had his own ideas about what God wants of him.
So much so that God had to order him to go and see Saul and to give him back his sight.
Even the people had their own ideas about the teaching of Jesus on eating His body and drinking His blood.
Just like the people in the past, we too have our own ideas about God and what He wants of us.
But today's readings make us think. Can being angry and unforgiving, can being selfish and unkind, can being boastful and proud, be what God wants of us and is that pleasing to God?
Before we get blinded and are brought to our knees, let us ask to Lord to help us do what is right and just. It is for our own good anyway.