Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5th Week of Easter, Thursday, 22-05-14

Acts 13:7-21 / John 15:9-11

It is always challenging to be committed and be faithful to a direction or purpose or to a duty.

The same can be said for a commitment and faithfulness to a vocation or calling in life, or to a marriage vow or to priestly vows or promises.

Even in a good thing like going on a diet or having an excise program, we find ourselves slacking and not keeping disciple to it.

Somehow there is a tendency in us to lose focus and look around for other things that might amuse us, even if it is just once in a while or just to break the routine.

Maybe it is just to have some thrill or excitement or happiness but as we know by now, these are always fleeting and fade off quickly.

In the gospel, Jesus told us something so that our joy be complete. Jesus said that just as the Father has loved Him, so has He loved us.

In just four words, Jesus summed up how to experience the joy that He is giving us - "Remain in my love".

To remain in the love of Jesus is to be faithful and committed to Him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.

To remain in the love of Jesus is to be faithful and committed to prayer and to what He has taught us in living out our lives in truth and in love.

In doing so then the joy of Jesus will be in us and our joy will be complete.