Col 1:15-20 / Luke 5:33-39
The parables of Jesus are always full of images and that is why they are easily understood in the practical sense.
The parables are also easily understood at the first layer in that it makes sense and is logical.
For example, the parable that Jesus told in today's gospel passage is easily understood in the practical and logical sense.
Certainly a piece from a new cloak sown onto a old cloak would look awkward, and new wine would certainly be too strong for old wine skins.
But at a deeper and maybe in a spiritual sense, it is not so much about the differentiation but rather about the integration.
Because, as the 1st reading would put it, God wanted all perfection to be found in Christ and all things to be reconciled through Him and for Him.
By His death on the cross, He brought about peace and reconciliation.
So today's gospel parable acknowledges the existing tension between persons and communities, and between races and countries.
But because of Jesus and His death on the cross, we know that reconciliation in the midst of tension is possible.
Let us begin by accommodating and adjusting to the ways of the people around us, so that where there is reconciliation, peace and harmony will follow.