Tuesday, May 7, 2013

6th Week of Easter, Wednesday, 08-05-13

Acts 17:15, 22 - 18:1 / John 16:12-15

Human beings like to reminisce about the past and fantasize about the future.

Hence, there are movies about events of the past as well as science-fiction movies about the future.

And then there are those science-fiction movies about time-travel, about how people will travel back in time or into the future.

Let's say that we are able to travel back in time to Athens where Paul was standing before the whole Council of the Areopagus and making his speech.

When he comes to the part about God raising a man from the dead, and some of the listeners burst out laughing, how would we react?

What are we going to say to prove that Paul is right? Is there anything we could do to affirm the truth of what Paul was saying?

But probably the more we try to say, the louder the laughter would be and we would feel like fools in some kind of joke.

Yet, here is where Jesus has a teaching for us in the gospel. He said that He still has many things to say to us but they would be too much for us for now.

But Jesus will send the Spirit of truth to lead us to the complete truth.

So we ourselves, like the people of Athens, do not understand everything completely.

What we cannot understand, let us not laugh at it or ridicule it. We don't want to go down into history as fools who laughed at the truth. Rather, let us wait humbly for the truth to be revealed in the future, the truth that will set us free and save us.