Thursday, May 9, 2013

6th Week of Easter, Friday, 10-05-13

Acts 18:9-18 / John 16:20-23

Quite often we worry and fret over the difficulties and struggles of life.

Yes, already for today there is enough to worry and get anxious about. We try not to think too much about tomorrow but still we know it will come.

Even for St. Paul, he had his share of struggles and difficulties, as well as dangers, toils and snares.

He may have been brave and courageous but he was still human after all, and there would be times when discouragement and tiredness would set in.

He probably had been facing such a despondency when the Lord appeared to him in a vision as we heard in the 1st reading.

Much as St. Paul only wanted to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ and he meant no harm, yet his enemies were out to trap him and harm him and they would even want his life.

Indeed, it is very stressful to live in such dangerous situations and one will despair and get depressed after a while.

Yet it is preciously in such situations that we need a companion whom we can turn to for strength and encouragement.

And the Lord told St. Paul: Do not be afraid to speak out, nor allow yourself to be silenced; I am with you.

That was enough for St. Paul. And that also will be enough for us. With the Lord on our side, our sorrow will turn to joy, and that joy no one can take from us.