Friday, November 16, 2012

32nd Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 17-11-12

3 John 5-8 / Luke 18:1-8

Travelling overseas, either for work or study or leisure, can be a chore for some people, especially when it comes to packing their luggage.

If they could, they would want to bring along everything that is at home, so that they can feel secure and comfortable in a foreign land, even if it is only for a week.

And it can be anything from medicine to books to electronic gadgets, from hair-dryers to mini kettles, all of which might be available in the land of destination.

For the missionaries of the Church, as they go forth to a foreign land to spread the Good News, it is usually in a land that does not have the comforts and the securities of their own homeland.

The 1st reading assures such missionaries of God's providence as it states that it is the duty of the Church to welcome such missionaries in charity and even to contribute a share to their work.

But even if there is a dire lack of resources and support, then we have to heed what Jesus said about the need to pray continually and not to lose heart.

The gospel parable tells us that the perseverance and the persistence of the lowly widow eventually made the arrogant and proud judge give in to her request.

Yes, we have to persevere and persist in our prayer when we are in a desperate need.

Yet, we also must remember that we are paying God a great compliment when we ask great things that are to be used for His glory.

That must be the faith that we should have as we persevere and persist in our prayer.