Saturday, May 14, 2011

3rd Week of Easter, Friday, 13-05-11

Acts 9: 1-20 / John 6:52-59

I have a younger brother and in our childhood days, my mother would always tell me to look after my younger brother.

So whether it is going to school, or going out to play or even going out as a family, I always had to keep an eye on my younger brother.

Of course I felt the pressure of the responsibility because if anything should happen to my brother, I know my mother will demand some answers from me.

Yes, I may not have to answer to my brother, but I will have to answer to my mother.

In the 1st reading, Saul had to answer to a serious question.

The voice he heard identified itself as Jesus, and the question was : Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?

Saul was persecuting Christians, but the voice and the question made it clear to him that he was actually persecuting Jesus, and that experience changed his life as he later became St. Paul.

So in the gospel, when Jesus said "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in him", He really means it.

When we partake of the Holy Communion, Jesus lives in us, just as we live in Jesus.

For all the troubles and distress we face, Jesus also bears it with us and He will give us the strength to overcome it.

For all the love and care we give to others, Jesus also gives them an experience of His love and healing.

Jesus is our Brother. He will protect us and save us. Because He lives in us.