Sunday, May 1, 2011

2nd Week of Easter, Monday, 02-05-11

Acts 4:23-31 / John 3:1-8

The name Nicodemus, in Greek, means "conqueror  for the people".

Since Nicodemus was a leading Pharisee and had a say in the council of the Sanhedrin, the name indeed suited him.

But though his name may mean "conqueror for the people", and he had a matching status, there is one frontier that Nicodemus had not yet did battle with or conquered.

The gospel says that he came to see Jesus at night. Night is used as a symbolism for sin and evil.

But for Nicodemus, night was used to symbolize his pride, his fears, his false sense of security.

By coming to Jesus at night, we can see that Nicodemus was struggling with his pride, his fears and himself.

Those were the frontiers that he has yet to face and battle with.

Yet the promptings of the Spirit were strong enough for him to make the first step to Jesus.

It was just the first step but it was a vital step because it was a step towards being led by the Spirit.

May we too be open to the promptings of the Spirit in our hearts. May our first response be always in prayer and with prayer.

With the help of the Spirit, we will be able to face ourselves and conquer whatever is blocking us from God.