Monday, December 23, 2024

Weekday of Advent, Tuesday, 24th December 2024

2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 / Luke 1:67-79  

On this morning of Christmas Eve, some of us will be having a busy day ahead.

Others may be getting into the festive holiday mood, while for some others it may just be another holiday tomorrow.

Whatever it may be, there is the din of all kinds of sounds around us.

Even the church may not be that quiet a place to be in as there will be preparations and other activities on this particular day.

But we would certainly wish to have a quiet moment on this Christmas Eve morning.

For Zechariah, he has been silent for nine months as he had lost his ability of speech.

Nine months is a long time of silence, but with the birth of his son John, his power of speech returned and he praised God.

That silence for Zechariah enabled him to listen to the promises of God about sending the Saviour, and he proclaimed what he heard when his speech returned.

May we also find some time today to have a quiet moment, so that we can listen to the promises of old, and praise God for fulfilling His promise in Jesus.

And because God fulfilled His promise of the long-awaited Saviour, then may we also believe what God has promised us, that He will hear and answer our prayers.