Thursday, May 2, 2024

Sts. Philip and James, Apostles, Friday, 03-05-2024

1 Cor 15:1-8 / John 14:6-14

At times we would wonder about those people who see visions of Jesus and Mary.

The most recent saint who had a vision of Mary is St. Bernadette Soubirous who saw our Lady at Lourdes.

She is also one of the saints whose body remained incorrupted, and her body is kept in a crystal reliquary for veneration.

Indeed, seeing leads to believing. Especially when we are able to verify and authenticate what we see to be true and real.

In the gospel, Philip asked Jesus to let them see the Father and then they shall be satisfied.

The reply of Jesus was profound as well as stunning - to have seen Him is to have seen the Father!

As for us, we have not seen Jesus nor have we had any visions of Him, so we may think that we are not that privileged enough and that our faith is not as strong as that of St. Philip and St. James.

But if the apostles, in seeing Jesus saw the Father, then for us, we must, with the eyes of faith, see Jesus in one another.

In fact, the greatest vision we can ever have is to see Jesus in the ordinary, humble and lowly people.

That is the faith of the saints. May that also be our faith, in that we have eyes that see with faith.