Monday, January 22, 2024

3rd Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 23-01-2024

2 Samuel 6:12-15, 17-19 / Mark 3:31-35 

There are generally two factors involved when it comes to unity.

People can be united by a common love.

People can also be rallied to be united against a threat.

It basically comes down to this saying: United we stand, divided we fall.

In the 1st reading, David brought the people to be united in rejoicing as he brought the Ark of God to the City of David.

The people are united in rejoicing as well as united in faith.

God was their unifying love and it was God who united them as one people with an identity.

In the gospel, Jesus also emphasized that God is the one who will unite people in mind and heart.

It is in doing the will of God that unites people in the same mission and purpose.

Let us pray that we will know what the will of God is for us.

Then we will be united with God and with one another.