Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, 08-09-2023

Micah 5:1-4 or Romans 8:28-30 / Matthew 1:1-16. 18-23     

If we have to think of a gospel passage or a bible passage to dedicate to someone on his/her birthday, we would certainly think of a profound passage that might include God blessing the person, etc.

But to celebrate the birthday or the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the passage is chosen from the gospel of Mathew, and it talks about Joseph wanting to divorce Mary and the angel had to intervene.

The gospel passage may not seem appropriate for the celebration of this feast of the birth of Our Lady.

Yes, Mary's fears came true in that Joseph wanted to divorce her and that might leave her to face an uncertain future.

Yet, the humanness of Mary and Joseph are highlighted, to show us that they too had to face their fears and worries when it comes to doing God's will.

In fact, fear has that ability and that potential to paralyze us from doing God's will and glorifying God.

But, at the Annunciation, God told Mary "do not fear"; in today's gospel passage God tells Joseph "do not fear".

As we celebrate this Eucharist, God is also telling us "do not fear'.

Yes, do not fear because God is with us. Do not fear because we also have a heavenly Mother who is always praying for us.

Yes, Mother Mary prays for us, that we too, like her will bring Jesus to others so that they will know that God is with them.