Saturday, July 9, 2022

15th Ordinary Sunday, Year C, 10.07.2022

Deuteronomy 30:10-14 / Colossians 1:15-20  / Luke 10:25-37

When we look at this world and think about life, we may be rather pessimistic. 

The world seems to be messy, with wars and violence, poverty and injustice, disasters and tragedies, sickness and diseases. 

Life also has its problems and difficulties, worries and anxieties, tears and fears. 

But despite what we think and say about the world and about life, we also see something beautiful and wonderful. 

We see people falling in love and getting married. 

We see babies being born and bringing joy to their parents and all around them. 

We see parents loving their children and making sacrifices for them. 

We see people coming to church and praying to God and striving to be good and loving. 

In short, we see the power of love shining through the darkness of life and giving hope for a better world. 

The gospel parable of the Good Samaritan reminds us that the Law of love is written in our hearts, because we are created in love and created with love. 

God plants His love in our hearts so that we have the ability and capacity to be loving even in difficult situations. 

The most powerful form of love is in sacrificial love. 

God shows us the power of sacrificial love by giving His only Son on the Cross for our salvation.

Jesus taught us how to love and to make sacrifices with love.

When we follow that way of love, there will be hope for a better world and that people will be happier with life.