Tuesday, March 15, 2022

2nd Week of Lent, Wednesday, 16-03-2022

Isaiah 1:10, 16-20 / Matthew 23:1-12   

Viruses are always a matter of concern in life.

It affects our physical health and it affects our cyber security.

It always seems to be one or a few steps ahead despite whatever measures there are in place.

It can also be said that evil is like a virus. 

It is always trying to find ways to tempt people to do what is bad and evil.

In the 1st reading, we heard of how the bad people plotted against the prophet Jeremiah.

Jeremiah lamented about this, and he also asked what is evil done against good.

But as it is, evil will against be waging war against good, because the devil is all out against those who are on the side of God.

But God will protect us from evil and save us from the snares of the devil.

We only need to pray and trust in God's protection, and pray for the conversion of those who do evil.