Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Holy Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Wednesday, 29-09-2021

Dan 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rev 12:7-12 / John 1:47-51    

When it comes to the things of the spiritual realm, what can be discussed is from what has been revealed in the Bible and from the Church's teachings.

From the Bible and from what the Church teaches, there is the existence of the spiritual world of angels.

In this multitude of angels, we know the names of three of them, and the Church calls them "Archangels".

From St. Michael, we know that God protects us and so we pray to St. Michael and there is a prayer that is dedicated to him.

From St. Gabriel, who announced the Good News of salvation to Mary, we know that we too are blessed with the Good News that God loves us and will save us. 

We too pray to St. Gabriel that we will experience the saving love of God and be messengers of the Good News of salvation.

And from St. Raphael, who directed Tobias to obtain the healing remedy for his father's blindness, we know that God will forgive us our sins and heal our spiritual and physical infirmities.

We too ask St. Raphael to pray for us for healing and forgiveness.

In these three Archangels, God is showing us that He loves and protects us, He is our Saviour and Healer.

We give thanks and praise to God, and let us continue to invoke the intercession of these three Archangels.