Wednesday, September 9, 2020

23rd Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 10-09-2020

1 Cor 8:1-7, 11-13 / Luke 6:27-38   

Quite often, we take a lot of things for granted and usually it is the good things of life that are taken for granted.

We take clean water, fresh air, good food and a comfortable bed as things that will always be there.

We will only miss it when it is taken away from us or when it is not there any more.

Not only we take good things for granted, we also often take for granted. the people who love and care for us.

To take them for granted may mean that we don't love and care for them as much as they love and care for us.

In the gospel, Jesus says to love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us and to pray for those who treat us badly.

That already sounds difficult enough but that is the higher calling for a Christian who wants to follow Jesus.

But if charity begins at home, then let us look at the ones who love and care for us and to ask ourselves if we love them more than they love us.

If we can love those who love us, then we will be ready to move out and to love those that  Jesus is calling us to love.

May our Lord Jesus grant us His love to fulfill our mission of love.