Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2nd January 2020, Thursday

1 John 2:22-26 / John 1:19-28         

As we began the new year yesterday, we celebrated the feast of Mary, the Mother of God.

That title of Mary has two meanings. One is proclaim the divine Motherhood of Mary. The other is to proclaim the Jesus is God, Jesus is divine.

So the fundamental teaching here is that Jesus is one with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.

But because Jesus became one like us in the flesh, that makes it rather difficult to explain the profound mystery of the Incarnation.

It would be easier to explain and accept that Jesus was a created human being and gradually became a holy person.

But in the mystery of the Incarnation, God became man in Jesus Christ, and being like one of us in all things except sin, He suffered and died to redeem us and save us from our sins.

That is our fundamental belief. That is also what the 1st reading reiterated and what John the Baptist spoke of in the gospel.

As we enter into the second day of the new year, let us profess this belief, and let us live out our belief for the rest of the year.