Monday, October 21, 2019

29th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 21-10-19

Romans 4:21-25 / Luke 12:13-21                       
Most of us have bought some kind of insurance. It may be accident insurance, hospitalisation insurance, life insurance, etc.

These insurance policies give us some kind of assurance that when things go wrong, then there will be at least some kind of financial coverage to help us see through a difficult time.

But whatever insurance policies we might have, they cannot be compared with the promises of God.

In the 1st reading, we heard that God made a promise to Abraham, that he will have a son even in his old age and that he will be the father of a great nation.

Abraham refused either to deny it or even to doubt it, but drew strength from faith and gave glory to God, convinced that God had the power to do what He had promised.

As we think about what God has promised us, we must come to realise that the greatest promise is the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Yes, through Jesus Christ, God has promised to take care of us, protect us and guard us and to be with us always.

So our security is in God and God alone, and not in what we own, even if we have more than we need.

It is in sharing what we have with those in need that we make ourselves rich in the sight of God.

To be truly rich is to stand firm on the promises of God, and like Abraham, draw strength from faith and give glory to God who is always faithful to His promises to us.