Wednesday, September 18, 2019

24th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 19-09-19

1 Tim 4:12-16 / Luke 7:36-50

There are many things that money can buy, but there are also many things that money cannot buy.

One thing for certain is that money cannot buy mercy. Mercy can only be given, it cannot be bought or demanded.

But as much as there is no connection between money and mercy, Jesus often used the example of money to teach about God's mercy, love, generosity, forgiveness, etc.

In today's gospel, Jesus used a simple example that involved money to teach the Pharisee a simple truth.

A creditor had two men in his debt: one owed him 500 denarii, the other 50. Both of them were unable to pay, and he pardoned them both.

Obviously, the one who was pardoned more will be more grateful and will love the creditor more than the other.

Using that example, Jesus declared that the woman's many sins must have been forgiven her and that was why she showed such great love.

So it comes down to simply this: how much we love is much we have been forgiven.

But more than that we must keep loving more and more.

As St. Paul tells Timothy in the 1st reading: in this way, you will save both yourself and others as well.