Sunday, March 17, 2019

2nd Week of Lent, Monday, 18-03-19

Daniel 9:4-10 / Luke 6:36-38

No one can ever say that they have never made a bad mistake and done something really wrong.

So to err is human, but the biggest error that any human being can ever commit is not to ask for forgiveness.

So whenever we make a bad mistake or did something really wrong, we must admit it and the next course of action will be to ask for forgiveness and to make amends for it.

That was the prayer of Daniel in the 1st reading as he pleads to God for his people. He confesses that they have sinned, done wrong, acted wickedly and betrayed God's commandments.

So to err is human, but to forgive is divine. And God forgave His people, over and over again, for the repeated sins of His people.

Yes, God will always forgive us when we sin and do wrong. And of course we must be repentant and to make amends for our sins.

We do that by doing penance and making atonement for our sins.

But what God really wants of us is to also forgive others just as He has forgiven us.

That is in the Lord's Prayer. God forgives us and we in turn must forgive those who did wrong to us.

It is forgiveness that will break the vicious cycle of sin. Indeed to forgive is divine, and it is in forgiveness that the power of sin is broken and healing can then begin.