Thursday, January 3, 2019

3rd January 2019, Thursday, Weekday of Christmas Time

1 John 2:29 - 3:6 / John 1:29-34

A magnifying glass is a common and yet an amazing thing. Whatever is too small for the eye to see, we just need to get a magnifying glass and all the small details will be visible.

But besides enlarging the small details that the eye won't be able to see so easily, there is another aspect to the magnifying glass.

When it is put under the sun, it can focus the rays of the sun to a particular spot on the ground and if held there for long enough, the spot will start to burn. But do be careful of the fire hazard when doing this!

John the Baptist had a kind of spiritual magnifying glass. He was able to point out Jesus as the Lamb of God. He was able to see the Spirit come down from heaven like a dove and rest on Jesus and he knew then that Jesus was the Chosen One of God.

His spiritual magnifying glass enabled him to see what others could not see immediately.

But at the same time, his spiritual magnifying glass kept him focused on his mission and what he was sent to do.

But we too have a kind of spiritual magnifying glass. The 1st reading tells us that everyone whose life is righteous is begotten by God.

And if we are begotten by God, then we too have that spiritual magnifying glass to keep focused on God and to do what He wants of us.

That spiritual magnifying glass is none other than prayer. Prayer keeps us focused on God, and through prayer, God will also make us His instruments to set other on fire with His love.

So we do have that spiritual magnifying glass of prayer. Let us use it for the glory of God.