Wednesday, November 28, 2018

34th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 29-11-18

Apocalypse 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9 / Luke 21:20-28

We can learn good lessons from nature just by observing and reflecting.

For example, the darker the night, the brighter the stars. And cloudy skies make beautiful sunsets.

So nature has a way of telling us that tribulation will give way to celebration, and distress will give way to success, just as the dark of night will give way to the light of day.

These lessons from nature are actually reiterating what we heard in the 1st reading and the gospel.

The 1st reading began with tribulation and destruction, but following that were songs of victory and rejoicing and the celebration of a wedding feast.

In the gospel Jesus talks about a time of great tribulation and distress and destruction of the city of Jerusalem and her inhabitants.

But He also talks about the coming of the Son of Man in power and great glory, and a time of liberation.

So the lessons of scripture tell us that God who foresaw our tribulation, has prepared us to go through it, not without pain, but without stain.

The trials and tribulations in life do not build character; they merely reveal it.

So let us be patient in tribulation, let us rejoice in hope and let us be constant in prayer. That will be enough to be able to see bright stars in the dark night.