Thursday, November 30, 2017

34th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 01-12-17

Daniel 7:2-14 / Luke 21:29-33

For us who live in Singapore, we often say that it is perpetual summer.

Whatever rainy days or rainy seasons we have, there is no need to buy warm or winter clothing.

In Singapore, the attire is summer wear, and we even need air conditioning for our homes and buildings.

So when Jesus said that when trees start to bud, and it means that summer is near, we may not get the reality of that idea although we can imagine it somehow.

But we know what happens when butter is put in the oven. No matter how hard or icy cold the butter may be, in the presence of heat, it melts slowly but surely.

So no matter how hard or icy cold the human heart is because of sin and evil, there is no escaping from the warmth and light of God.

One thing is certain - some hearts melt and then rise to eternal life and joy with God; others melt and sink into everlasting damnation.

Yes, the kingdom of God is near and as things get warmer and hotter, let us decide what we want to be.

We can continue to be wrapped up and be hardened by sin. Or we can start to bud and bloom with God's love.

And if we already know that God is going to triumph in the end, then we need to decide now. Let us pray that we will make the right decisions and we must pray for others to make the right decisions.