Ecclesiasticus 17:1-15 / Mark 10:13-16
From what science is telling us, we know how vast the universe is and how much mystery there is in it.
There are things like black holes and many other galaxies.
In our galaxy alone, there are billions of stars, each separated by millions of light years.
In the face of such vastness and coupled with so much mystery, we may feel that we on earth are quite insignificant.
Because there is so much more around us.
But is this "more" just measured by size and vastness?
The 1st reading brings us back to the reflection of how much "more" we are.
This "more" is much more significant than that of the whole universe.
Because God our creator clothed us with strength like His and made us in His image.
He filled us with understanding and knowledge.
He put His own light into our hearts to show us the magnificence of His works.
Hence, we may already be exploring outer space, yet we need to reflect and understand and appreciate our inner space.
And it is only with the heart and the simplicity of a child that we can praise and glorify God, our Father and Creator.