James 3:13-18 / Mark 9:14-29
If a book is not judged by its cover, then the corresponding axiom is that a tree is judged by its fruit.
As Jesus had taught us, a bad tree cannot bear good fruit, nor a good tree bear bad fruit.
Similarly when it comes to people, we will know what kind of persons they are by their words and actions. In other words, we just have to look at the fruits of their lives.
The 1st reading tells us what wise and learned men are like - they lead good lives with humility and they are wise in their actions.
It also tells us what the opposite is like - they will make claims for themselves and cover up the truth with lies, they have the bitterness of jealousy.
And this is what it says of these kind of people - they are earthly, animal and even devilish.
So by the fruit, we will know what kind of tree it is.
In the gospel, we heard of a case of a man bringing his possessed son to the disciples but they were unable to cast out the evil spirit.
But when Jesus came into the scene, He cast out the evil spirit from the boy at the request of the father.
The disciples' question, which may also be our question is this: Why were we unable to cast it out?
Jesus pointed out two factors - faith and prayer. It means that if we have faith we would also turn to God in prayer and everything would be possible.
When we have faith and when it is reinforced with prayer, we will bear the fruits that God wants us to bear.