Monday, March 7, 2016

4th Week of Lent, Tuesday, 08-03-16

Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12 / John 5:1-3, 5-16

Life can be said to be like how we look at a jigsaw puzzle.

We need to look at the whole picture first before we can put those little pieces together.

But at times we look at just one small piece and make a big issue out of it.

Jesus came to help people look at the big picture of life, but they end up making a fuss out of the small issues.

He cast out devils and they saw that He was helping the devil.

He healed the sick, and they said it was done on the wrong day.

And in today's gospel, that was what they were saying: it was done on the wrong day, and hence they began to persecute Jesus.

In life, there are certain things we hold as important and essential and necessary.

But let us look at the big picture of life and see again if what we hold on to are really that important, essential and necessary.

But God's grace cleanse our eyes so that we can look at life from God's point of view and see what is really important and essential and necessary and then we will be able to put the pieces of the jigsaw of life and see the whole beautiful picture.