Saturday, September 12, 2015

23rd Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 12-09-15

1 Tim 1:15-17 / Luke 6:43-49

If we had to show something as a testimony of who we are and what our life is all about, what would that be?

Probably we would think of our achievements and show our certificates and photos of our illustrious moments.

There is no doubt that St. Paul was a great figure in the New Testament.

But his testimony to us is not some great achievement or illustrious missionary zeal, but rather a humble admittance that he is the greatest of sinners.

His testimony is that Jesus made him the greatest evidence of His inexhaustible patience for all the other people who would later have to trust in Jesus to come to eternal life.

So it was not what he did for Jesus but rather what Jesus did for him.

And that is so with us. The fruits that we bear will be the testimony of our lives.

As much as good fruits are a sign of the goodness of our lives, yet we must be humble enough to acknowledge that the goodness in us is not of our own achievement.

Like St. Paul, it is because Jesus has shown us His mercy and cleansed us and filled our hearts with His love.

So from what fills our hearts may our mouths proclaim the inexhaustible mercy and patience of Jesus and continue to bear the good fruits of love.