Sunday, June 21, 2015

12th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 22-06-15

Genesis 12:1-9 / Matthew 7:1-5

If we have to categorize the people we know into two groups, then one group will be people we like and the other group will be those whom we do not like.

Whatever reasons it may be, whether we like some and don't like others, a judgement is formed in our minds about them.

If we like a person, it could be because there is something attractive and nice about that person. That opinion or impression may not be easily changed unless something drastic were to happen.

And if we don't like a person, it could be because there is something repulsive about that person. Again, that opinion or impression may not be easily changed into a favourable one.

Whatever it may be, it comes down to the matter of our choice. We choose to see what we want to see in others and from there we form our opinions and inevitably our judgements.

A further reflection would be that we could tell a lot about ourselves by what we choose to see in others, be it what we like or dislike about them.

Like what Jesus said in the gospel, the judgements that you give are the judgements you will get.

As for Abram in the 1st reading, it is quite obvious what the Lord sees in him. The Lord saw many possibilities in him. The Lord saw the goodness in him.

In fact the Lord sees the goodness in all He has created. In the creation story, whatever God created, He saw it as good.

And God sees the goodness in each of us. That tells a lot about who God is.

And what do we see in others? What we see in others tells a lot about ourselves. May we have the eyes of God to see the good in others.