Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3rd Week of Lent, Wednesday, 11-03-15

Deut 4:1, 5-9 / Matthew 5:17-19

Children often have some resistance with the things that we ask them to do.

Things like washing their hands before meals, brushing their teeth, going to bed early, etc.

They don't seem to be convinced that what we tell them is really good for them.

But how different are we from children when it comes to keeping God's law?

Do we really understand what it means when Moses said in the 1st reading: Observe them, that you may have life.

Yet, we know that whenever God's law is not kept, problems arise and tragedies happen.

That was why Moses added: Tell it to your children, and your children's children.

And Jesus said in the gospel: I have come not to abolish but to complete the Law.

God's law is our life-line. Jesus is not only Law-giver. He is also the Life-giver.

In keeping the Law of God, we will have life. Till heaven and earth pass away, that is God's promise to us.