Wednesday, January 28, 2015

3rd Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 29-01-15

Hebrews 10:19-25 / Mark 4:21-25

Nowadays there is an emphasis on rights, be it human rights, workers rights, women's rights, civil rights, right to freedom of worship, etc.

Rights can be defined as a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something.

And along with rights come duties and responsibilities which uphold the rights.

So it can be said that rights come with a price, and that is there are duties and responsibilities to be fulfilled.

The 1st reading says that  through the blood of Jesus, we have the right to enter the sanctuary of the Body of Christ, the Church.

That right would entitle us to the blessings of God and to whatever grace necessary to fulfill our Christian mission.

And the 1st reading also states that as we go in, we must be sincere in heart and filled with faith, our minds sprinkled and free from any trace of bad conscience and our bodies are to be kept pure.

But if we cannot even fulfill that Christian duty and responsibility of being freed of sin, then like what Jesus would say in the gospel, we are like a lamp put under a tub or under a bed.

Because as members of the Body of Christ, any sin that we commit cannot be kept hidden and sooner or later it will be brought to light.

So let us listen to the message of Christ and be faithful to our Christian duty and mission so that that we will be entitled to the fullness of the blessings from God.