Monday, September 15, 2014

24th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 16-09-14

1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31 / Luke 7:11-17

It is said that a rich man is not the one who has the most but the one who needs the least.

That is so true because for one who is not contented, more is never enough. In fact, even having everything is not enough.

What is said about the riches of the material world can also be said about the gifts of the spiritual world.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul mentioned about the gifts of prophecy and interpretation, teaching, working miracles, healing, leading, etc.

But the human heart may not be contented with just what it had been given. It may succumb to envy or jealousy and start to desire for other spiritual gifts that it has not.

The passage in the 1st reading ends off with St. Paul urging us to be ambitious for the higher gifts.

To be able to receive any higher gifts, we ought to be aware and contented with the present gifts.

In the gospel, we heard that Jesus raised a dead man back to life and gave him back to his mother.

The gift of life is indeed the greatest gift that we ever have on this earth.

And when we relish and cherish this gift of life then we will be ready for the higher gift, and that is eternal life.

When we realize that then we indeed truly rich.