Sunday, March 2, 2014

8th Week in Ordinary Time, Monday, 03-03-14

1 Peter 1:3-9 / Mark 10:17-27

If we would just take a moment and ask ourselves this question: What is the most precious thing in my life?

Whatever answers that we might have, it is most probably something that is tangible, something that we can see and touch and hear, something that we would want to hold on to.

And if we already have our answers, then the next question would be: How long will it endure? How long would it last?

If it is something that we think that we cannot do without, something that we depend and rely heavily upon, we also have to realize that there is a time-span for it. Eventually, it will deteriorate and fail us.

If it is someone that we love dearly and maybe even someone that we will die for, then we also have to realize that someday, that person would also not be around for us anymore.

And if is something that we have as a part of us, be it our health or our talents or our abilities, then we also have to realize that it will also eventually diminish no matter how hard we try to maintain it.

This may sound rather depressing and we may think that since this is the case, then life is rather futile.

But it is with faith that we see something more lasting. The 1st reading tells us we have a sure hope and the promise of an inheritance that can never be spoilt or soiled and never fade away and it is being kept for us in the heavens.

God the Father, in His mercy, has given us this eternal inheritance and a new birth as His sons by raising Jesus Christ from the dead.

May we too rise from the things of this world to this eternal inheritance in heaven where all our longing and yearning will be fulfilled in God alone.