Sunday, February 9, 2014

5th Week in Ordinary Time, Monday, 10-02-14

1 Kings 8:1-7, 9-13 / Mark 6:53-56

The word "theophany" refers to the appearance of a deity to a human being or human beings.

The word theophany has acquired a specific usage for Christians with respect to the Bible.

It refers to the manifestation of God to man, the sensible sign by which the presence of God is revealed.

In the 1st reading, we heard that a cloud filled the Temple of the Lord, and because of the cloud, the priests could no longer perform their duties: the glory of the Lord filled the Lord's Temple.

For king Solomon and the people, that was an unmistakable manifestation of the presence of God. God was indeed present in the Temple and among His people.

For us who come for Mass, and some of us even come for daily Mass, how we wished that there was some kind of divine manifestation or a sensible sign to boost and stir up our faith.

Furthermore, monotony and routine can slowly erode reverence and coming for Mass can become habitual and ritualistic.

Yet, it is undeniable that the Real Presence is at the altar, and in Holy Communion we consume the Body of Christ and the Real Presence lives within us.

Hence, it is in us and through us that Jesus will make His presence felt; we are to be the "theophany" of God.

Just as the people wanted to touch Jesus and those who were sick were cured, we too are to continue the healing work of Jesus.

Let us pray that we will truly be in union with Jesus always, and may others see in us the manifestation of the presence of Jesus.