Tuesday, July 30, 2013

17th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 31-07-13

Exodus 34:29-35 / Matthew 13:44-46      (2019)

If inanimate objects can talk, we may wonder what they will say. And will we be surprised with what they will say?

What if the chair that we are sitting on tells us that it is actually a good quality chair and that it gives us good posture and sitting comfort?

Will we treat it with special care and value it for what it is and for what it is doing for us?

What if the field and the pearl of the parables in the gospel have something to say to us? What do we think they will say?

The field might say : I am just an ordinary field but someone has buried a treasure in me. The pearl of great value might say: People say I am a precious pearl but actually I am the result of an irritant that got into a clam that encased it with calcium carbonate.

Of course the field and the pearl didn't and couldn't say anything but it takes someone to notice the hidden value in them.

On the other hand, we heard in the 1st reading that Moses' face was radiant with the glory of God.

But it was not just an external radiance; Moses was a friend of God who speaks with Him face to face, and heart to heart. It was from the radiance of the heart that that Moses' face shone with the glory of God.

Our hearts are made for the glory of God. When we are friends of God, like Moses was, then our lives and even our faces will radiate with the glory of God.

We are not inanimate objects that cannot speak. We are human beings made for the glory of God and when we speak, may it be for the glory of God.