Monday, June 17, 2013

11th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 18-06-13

2 Cor 8:1-9 / Matthew 5:43-48

The Christian life is essentially a life of love - love for God and love for neighbour.

Yet, the life of love is not something that comes automatically or naturally for us as Christians.

In fact, being more aware of the commandment of love, it is not up to our likes and dislikes or up to our feelings any more, because love is now a decision.

In the 1st reading, we heard that the churches in Macedonia, throughout great trials and suffering, have persevered with the grace of God.

In fact, in the midst of such adverse and challenging situations, they persevered in love, and that resulted in their constant cheerfulness and even overflowed in a wealth of generosity.

It is amazing to see the power of love overcoming adversities and difficulties, and even bearing fruits of love in cheerfulness and generosity in the midst of poverty.

It is with this understanding of the power of love that we can understand the oddness of the truth of teaching of Jesus when He says: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Indeed, our enemies cannot be overcome by the sword, nor persecutions be stopped by armed resistance.

But with the gentle truth of the power of love, our Lord Jesus has shown that though He was rich, He become poor for our sake, in order to make us rich out of His poverty.

Hence it is only when we pour out and empty our love on others, whether friend or foe, good or bad, that they can know love and in turn bear fruits of love.

Indeed the Christian life is an amazing life of love. Yes, it calls for a decision, but to choose otherwise would be to choose emptiness and nothingness.

So let us choose love, let us decide to love, just as God chose to love us and decided to save us in Jesus Christ.