Thursday, April 18, 2013

3rd Week of Easter, Friday, 19-04-13

Acts 9:1-20 / John 6:52-59

In the 1st reading, we hear what Christianity was called when it first began - it was called "the Way".

And Saul was on the way to Damascus with letters that would authorise him to arrest and take to Jerusalem any followers of "the Way", men or women, that he could find.

When we talk about the way, we may have in our minds a method, a direction or an instruction.

When Saul was on the way to Damascus, he had a direction and an instruction. He knew where he was going to and what he was going to do.

Yet, it was on the way to Damascus that he was confronted by another "Way" - it was Jesus who is the Way.

Yet, the 1st reading is not just about the Saul who was the persecutor of the Way. There was also Ananias who was a disciple of the Way.

When the Lord appeared to him in a vision and told him go to Saul and heal him of his blindness, Ananias must have initially thought : No way! He is going to kill me!

In fact that was almost like what he said to the Lord. Yet the Lord told him: You must go all the same. In other words the Lord was like telling Ananias : Do it My Way!

Yes, the Lord's way is the perfect way as Saul and Ananias had discovered.

May we too conform ourselves to the ways of the Lord and continue journey in the Way that leads to eternal life.