Friday, March 15, 2013

4th Week of Lent, Saturday, 16-03-13

Jeremiah 11:18-20 / John 7:40-52

Appearances and external images are very important in today's world of status and reputation.

Because they form initial impressions for others and that will also determine how far a person can go in the career path.

What is equally important besides appearances and image is also a person's background. That will either reinforce or weaken his reputation and status.

In many ways, Jesus had neither that appearance and image that would earn Him a status and reputation that the society of His time would give Him.

Added on to that, His Galilean origins (or what was thought was His birthplace) diminished all standing He had with the upper class of society, and He also earned the scorn of the Pharisees.

Yet, Jesus was not perturbed by the criticisms of others or what they thought of Him.

As the 1st reading so rightly prophesied, and as Jesus Himself knew it: The Lord revealed it to me, I was warned. You opened my eyes to their scheming.

Yes, more than just discriminating against His status and reputation, the opponents of Jesus were also out to plot against Him and to destroy Him even.

From the experience of life, we know that we cannot judge a book by its cover. Yet, it is the cover that gives us the first impressions.

But it is the Lord of hosts who probes the loins and heart. May the Lord also help us to see beyond appearances and impressions to the truth of things.

And may we also move beyond our own appearances and impressions and be true to ourselves and to the Lord.