Hebrews 11:32-40 / Mark 5:1-20
It is difficult to imagine what a demoniac would look like. It would be even more terrifying to encounter a demoniac.
The demoniac that we heard about in the gospel was certainly terrifying. He lived among the tombs and no one could secure him anymore because he would snap the chains and break the fetters.
More terrifying is that (as he would reveal to Jesus) there is a legion of demons in him.
Although he was a demoniac, he was also just "a man with an unclean spirit" and his howling and gashing himself with stones only goes to show that he was tormented and wanted to be freed from the demonic possession.
Probably that was why the man with the unclean spirit, the demoniac, came out of the tombs towards Jesus no sooner than He left the boat.
He knew who Jesus was and he knew that Jesus could deliver him from the evil possession.
Indeed, Jesus could deliver us from all evil. Yet what is required of us is to have faith in Jesus.
That is the point that the 1st reading was making. People like Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthat, David, Samuel and the prophets were men who through faith conquered kingdoms and did amazing deeds.
They were weak people who were given strength to face the trials and tribulations and they became heroes of faith.
We too are weak people and we are terrified by the powerful evil forces in this world. But let us keep faith in Jesus and keep doing what is right and good and to be rewarded with the protection and salvation that Jesus has promised us.