Sunday, December 16, 2012

17th December 2012, Monday

Genesis 49:8-10 / Matthew 1:1-17

When we examine deeper the genealogy list that is given in today's gospel, we will find some people in that who are quite surprising, to say the least.

And we may be even correct to say that they are out of place among the names and the personalities given in the genealogy.

We are talking about people like Tamar, Rabah, Ruth and Solomon's mother Bathsheba. And of  course there is also Mary.

What is strange and surprising is that in the genealogy list which is predominated by males, there is the mention of these five women.

And if we know our Old Testament well enough, then we will know that Tamar tricked her father-in-law into a sexual union in order to bear sons for the family.

Rahab was a harlot or prostitute who lived in Jericho and helped Joshua conquer the city. Ruth was a foreigner, a Moabite (non-Jew) who followed her Jewish mother-in-law back to her homeland. Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah and king David has seduced her and also had her husband killed in battle.

And then there was Mary who was with child by the Holy Spirit before she and Joseph came to live together.

All these women, with their colourful and intriguing stories, nonetheless had a part to play in the ancestry of Jesus, and in a way prepared the way for His coming.

The genealogy list showed that people were instrumental in preparing the way for the coming of the Saviour, yet those five women who were not expected to be in the list played a pivotal role in the ancestry of Jesus.

As we enter deeper into the Advent journey, let us be open to the unexpected people who will come into our lives. They might be instrumental in bringing Jesus into our lives.