Monday, October 22, 2012

29th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 23-10-12

Ephesians 2:12-22 / Luke 12:35-38

The word "tomorrow" can give us a few concepts about life and with that, the possible directions we are going to take.

It can fill us with hope in that there will be a better tomorrow and we look forward to that.

Yet the word "tomorrow" can also be quite a dangerous word. It is dangerous in that we can begin to procrastinate what we need to do today to another day.

It can be even more dangerous when it comes to our response to God especially in the area of conversion and repentance.

We give in to the idea that we still have time and that there will be a tomorrow.

Hence we delay our reconciliation with God and we put off prayer to tomorrow because we are too busy today.

But in the gospel Jesus reminds us of the urgency and tells us to be dressed for action and to be alert because the time of reckoning will be like a master's surprise return and the servants must be ready to open the door for him.

Without hope and without God, tomorrow, and even the future will look bleak and pessimistic. That is what St. Paul said in the 1st reading.

He continues with - But now in Christ Jesus, you that used to be so far apart from us have been brought very close, by the blood of Christ.

Yes by the shedding of His blood, Jesus Christ has saved us. Now is the time for our response to salvation. If we don't respond "now" then there might not be a tomorrow.