1 Cor 5:1-8 / Luke 6:6-11
Sexual sins and sexual immorality is certainly rampant in our society and maybe in our personal lives too.
These can encompass anything from adultery to fornication to pornography to masturbation.
Yet it must also be stated that adultery and the associated sexual sins rank as No. 7 in the 10 Commandments.
But that does not mean that sexual sins are not destructive or that they can be taken lightly.
In the 1st reading we heard of a grave sexual sin that was committed in the Christian community of Corinth - one of them was living with his father's wife, and it was public knowledge.
St. Paul even has to say that the sin was unparalleled even among the pagans! And yet the Christian community seemed to think lightly of it.
Well, as it was then, so it is now. If sexual sins are taken lightly, it may be because the Commandments of God are taken lightly. And it may be an indication that God is taken lightly too.
Where sin increases, the adherence to the precepts of the Lord decreases. And we heard in the gospel that as Jesus healed the man with the withered hand, the scribes and Pharisees were watching Him and later they even discussed the best way of dealing with Him.
And all this was happening in the synagogue, in a place of prayer. So even as they stand in the presence of God, their minds were thinking about something evil.
The 1st reading also reminded us that a small amount of yeast is enough to leaven all the dough.
A small sin that is not addressed and confessed will be enough to infect and darken the whole person.
So let us turn back to the Lord, confessing our sins, and be reconciled and healed and live our lives in sincerity and truth.