Most of us are honest people and we believe in the integrity of the truth.
Yet we also cannot dismiss the fact that we come from a specific cultural and social background and our understanding of the truth can be heavily influenced by this background.
So when truth is mixed with a certain personal cultural background, it may be as difficult as trying to separate the wheat from the weeds.
But as in the wisdom of the parable of the wheat and weeds, the time will come when they will be slowly separated.
In the 1st reading, we can see how truth is mixed with personal cultural and social backgrounds, or half-truths if we wish to use that word.
The issue is not just about circumcision but rather the heavy underlying religious background of the Jewish converts, because they believed that Christianity should include some of the fundamental Jewish religious practices, and one of which is circumcision.
It even became a criterion for salvation, so much so that the apostles and elders had to look into the matter.
Yet as Jesus talked about Him being the vine and we the branches in the gospel, He also talked about pruning.
Yes, in order to be truly in union with Jesus and to understand His truth, we need to be pruned of the half-truths and the other influences that distort the truth.
Jesus is the Truth. And the truth of salvation is that He loves us and wants to save us from sin and damnation.
Let us understand the essence of this fundamental truth and to bear the fruits of truth and salvation.