Isaiah 56:1-3, 6-8 / John 5:33-36
By this time of the month, we can't help saying that Christmas is in the air.
With the barrage of advertisements and sales and offers and festive activities and Christmas carols heard almost everywhere, how can we resist saying that Christmas is in the air?
Yet Christmas is not just about the commercial and the material. We also can't help but say that there is something spiritual about Christmas.
Yes, no matter how cynical or skeptical we might be, the season of Advent leading to Christmas has a spiritual prompting.
It prompts us to look at the person of Jesus and to ponder on who He is in our lives.
As Jesus said in the gospel, the Father has sent Him and His works are His testimony.
So what are these works? In the 1st reading the Lord says this: Have a care for justice and act with integrity.
When we can care for justice and act with integrity, we have grasped part of the spiritual meaning of the season.
Yet, in order to care for justice and act with integrity, we need to pray.
Yes, at this time of the month, we can't help but say that the need for prayer is in the air.