Sunday, April 10, 2011

5th Week of Lent, Monday, 11-04-11

Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 / John 8:1-11     (2020)

One of our most common weakness is our tendency to participate in gossips, regardless of whether we are the initiator or the contributor.

Gossiping is already bad enough. But the damaging aspect of gossip is that judgement is also involved.

Whenever we gossip about someone, it is quite likely that the person's reputation is tarnished and his character is smeared.

Another aspect is that these kind of judgement can also literally cost a life, as we heard in the 1st reading.

The two elders bore false witness against Susanna but Daniel would want to have no part in it.

In the gospel, Jesus showed us what to do when we encounter a gossiping or slandering session.

His initial silence when asked for a judgement on the adulterous woman showed His one concern.

His concern was not so much for Himself as in how to get out of a sticky situation.

His concern was for the woman who had already suffered so much degradation and came to the point of almost losing her life.

So the next time before we initiate a gossip or even make our contribution, let us remember this scene of Jesus stooping down and writing in the sand in silence.

By our silence, others would know our opinions.