Thursday, March 3, 2011

8th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 04-03-11

Ecclesiasticus 44:1, 9-13 / Mark 11:11-26

As we take a moment to reflect on our very existence now, we may come to this realization.

At this very point in time, we are the descendants of the human race.

Regardless of what race we belong to, we are the current descendants of the human race.

And from the faith perspective, we are also the descendants of the Church that has survived more than 2000 years.

We are now the bearers of the faith that our ancestors of the faith have passed down to us.

If our faith does not bear fruit that will last, then we will disappear as if we had not been.

Hence we must continue to stand by the covenant of love and forgiveness, just as our ancestors of the faith have stood by that covenant and passed it down to us.

We are for the human race, a witness of God's covenant of love and forgiveness.

That is the fruit we must bear. That is the faith we must live out and pass on to the next generation.