1 Peter 5:1-4 / Matthew 16:13-19 (2025)
One of the prominent features of the Catholic Church is its unity.
This unity is seen in worship, in teachings and generally in practices.
This unity is also symbolized in the figure of the Pope, who is the head of the Catholic Church.
The feast of the Chair of St. Peter is an affirmation of the authority given to St. Peter by Jesus to lead the Church on earth.
Jesus said: You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.
The Church in its 2000 years of history has seen glorious times, challenging times, turbulent times and dark moments.
But the very fact that the Church has survived those turbulent and dark moments only goes to show that the Pope draws his authority from Christ, and that the Spirit is guiding the Church.
Nonetheless, the authority and leadership of the Pope is always being challenged.
In the area of morality, issues like abortion, the sanctity of life, same-sex marriage have often been brought up to ridicule and criticize the Church and inevitably the Pope.
In the area of faith, heresies and schisms have undermined the authority of the Pope.
From within as well as from without, the Pope and the Church had suffered potshots from numerous quarters.
Yet in the midst of these criticisms and confusion, let us keep faith with the Church and in obedience to the Pope.
Let us remember what Jesus promised the Church: The gates of the underworld can never hold out against it.
Let us also remember to pray for the Pope and the leaders of the Church.