3 John 5-8 / Luke 18:1-8 (2022)
There is no doubt that God listens to our prayers. And God would certainly pay attention to earnest and persevering prayers.
And if we think that God is not answering our prayers, then maybe we have to see what our prayers are all about.
In other words, we have to listen to our own prayers, for a change.
Prayer is not about trying to change God's mind or God's will.
It would be rather absurd to assume that if we say long and persistent prayers, God would finally give in and grant us what we want.
That would make prayer look like some kind of magical method that can make God do something.
Rather prayer is an act of faith and it is the source of strength which will empower us.
It is with prayer that we will continue to strive for justice and work for peace.
It may mean that we come to realize and accept that some things cannot be changed immediately.
It may also mean that we put our trust in God and believe that with God, nothing is impossible.
Whatever it may be, our earnest and persistent prayer should bring our wills to conform to God's will.
It is God's will "to see justice done, and done speedily".