Wednesday, May 26, 2010

8th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 26-05-10

1 Peter 1 : 18-25 / Mark 10 : 32-45

There is a famous painting which was originally titled "Hands".

But we know it by its more popular name as "Praying Hands".

At the bottom left corner of this painting are the initials A.D., the initials of the artist Albrecht Durer (1471 – 1528).

The hands that modeled for his painting were the hands of his brother Albert.

He drew the hands of his brother as a tribute to his.

The reason was that Albert worked in the coal-mines to sponsor Albrecht to study in the Art Academy.

Albert also aspired to be an artist, but his work in the coal-mines left him with broken fingers and arthritis.

The painting of Albert's hands only goes to show that service is a sacrifice.

Jesus served us by sacrificing Himself, a sacrifice that freed us and saved us.

So whenever we join our hands to pray, let us remember that other things will come and go, the grass will wither and the flower will fade.

But the sacrifice we make in the form of a loving service to others, that sacrifice will remain and will be remembered.