Thursday, August 13, 2009

19th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 14.08.09

1st Reading: Jos 24:1-13
Gospel: Mt 19:3-12

Marriage as it may seem to many people, is like a social norm and a social practice.

Once a person comes of age, one of the things in the "to-be-achieved" list is to get married.

And as a person gets older, he/she becomes a bit more desperate in finding a partner for life.

The social expectation, as well as the social trend is so strong that singlehood, and even celibacy, have become the bunt of jokes.

But no one is laughing when problems emerge in marriage or when a marriage ends in divorce.

With the rising divorce rate, the question to ask is: What is the problem? Or where is the problem?

But the question that should be asked is : Who is the problem?

Because when a person sees marriage as just a social practice or a social expectation, then marriage loses its essence and direction.

Because marriage in the first place, is a vocation, it is a calling to a way of life.

When a person understands that marriage is a calling to a deeper commitment to another person, then finding a partner will make sense.

And God will provide the partner, because it is God who calls the person to marriage.

When God calls, He will provide.

We just have to listen, then we will receive.